Load Shed

Meter Shed Status

A meter's shed "status" can either be active or inactive. The status is derived from the meter's load shed value, unless that value is "auto". In that case, the meter's RTO's load shed value is used as the meter's shed status.

- active: the meter should be load shedding 

- inactive: the meter should not be load shedding 

Meter Grid

This grid contains all meters in the application, the color of each rectangle represents the meter's shed status. Click on the Info Icon in the top right corner to see descriptions of each color.

Toggle the RTO's load shed value

- Click on the Loadshed dropdown to toggle the RTO's load shed value between active and inactive and click submit to update the RTO's load shed value.

Update Meter load shed value

- Click on a meter to individually update the meter's load shed value

Click on the Filter Icon to filter (by organization or site) the visible meters in the Meter Grid.

- Click on the List Icon to update all of the visible meter's load shed value at the same time. Select a shed value and click submit.

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